The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is a 2004 animated film starring the voices of Tom Kenny as SpongeBob and Clancy Brown as Mr. Krabs. The film also stars the voices of Bill Fagerbakke, Doug Lawrence, Alec Baldwin, Rodger Bumpass,Jeffrey Tambor, Scarlett Johansson, and features David Hasselhoff as himself. The film's based on the Nickelodeontelevision series SpongeBob SquarePants, and was released on November 19, 2004. It was produced and distributed in theUnited States by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies, and was dedicated in memory of Jules Engel. The film received positive reviews from critics and had its own soundtrack released, as well as its own video game adaption. This movie was well known for being the last adaption of the series to be aired in the Hillenburg Era (1999-2004).
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